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OneClick Digital site and apps will be unavailable between 9pm on Tuesday 29th April and 9am Wednesday 30th April.
The upgrade is to allow OneClick to make changes to their system - you will not see any significant changes to the site or apps at this stage.
Your log in details will not change.
We apologies for the inconveniennce that this will cause.
IOS 7 Problem and Update
There has been a problem with downloading and listening to books on Apple devices that have IOS 7 on them.
OneClick have resolved this issue now and a new app has been made available through iTunes. Please remove your current OneClick app and download the new one.
Our apologies for the inconvenience this has caused.
New Titles have been added
5 new books have been added to the list of available e-audio titles for
Click here to see a full list of the new books.
E-Audio News!
A new improved Mac app is now available! Just visit the Mac Store and
install free of charge - search for "oneclickdigital".
To find out more about the updates click here.
The e-audio service we offer enables you to search for, download and listen to over 850 books free of charge
All you need is your library card number and PIN to Log in and and follow the E-Audio, you will then need to create a OneClickdigital account, download the OneClickdigital Media Manager and you are away!
Start using OneClickdigital today!
For more information read the E-Audio Frequently Asked Questions.
Page last updated: 23rd April 2014