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Bedfordshire people past and present
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Bedfordshire people past and
present (pdf File 351KB)
- Abbot, Charles
- Abraham, Harold
- Albone, Dan
- Bagshawe, Thomas Wyatt
- Barltrop, Mabel
- Batchelor, Thomas
- Black Tom
- Bloomfield, Robert
- Brown, Rev. John
- Bunyan, John
- Burnaby, Frederick
- Byng, Admiral John
- Byng, John (Fifth Viscount Torrington)
- Carrington, Dora
- Catherine of Aragon
- Cheney, Lord Henry
- Cherry-Garrod, Apsley
- Clough, Joe
- Cooper, Gary
- De Breaute, Falkes
- Dunstable (Dunstaple), John
- Foster, Albert John
- Fowler, George Herbert
- Green, Edward Aveling
- Grey, Zachary
- Henley W.E.
- Henry VIII
- Higgins, Charles Longuet
- Howard, John
- Loring, Sir Nigel
- Miller, Alton Glenn
- Norton, Mary
- Okey, John
- Paxton, Sir Joseph
- Pike, Oliver
- Queen Eleanor
- Ratsey, Gamaliel
- Richardson, Sir Albert
- Richmond, Leigh
- Rowe, Nicholas
- Smith, Worthington George
- Smyth, William Henry
- Snagge, Thomas
- Southcott, Joanna
- Stannard, Henry
- Stannard, Henry John Sylvester
- Stannard, Theresa Sylvester
- Tompion, Thomas
- Wells, Charles
- White, William Hale (Mark Rutherford)
- Wild, Frank
- Wilson, Salim Charles (Hatashil Masha Kathish)
- Wray, Samuel
Page last updated: 3rd February 2014