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E-books, audiobooks, magazines and more.
A selection of great recent history non-fiction from our stock.
Some great recent science books to get you inspired, and thinking
Choose from thousands of titles.
All you need is your library card number and PIN.
Some great crime titles to intrigue and get you thinking!
Some of the best of science fiction and fantasy books.
Why not lose yourself in another world....
From the Guardian, Observer and Independent to the Daily Star, Express and Mail.
Plus Sunday newspapers and all the supplements avaialable through PressReader.
All you need is your library card number and PIN and internet access.
Also discover an ever growing range of top title magazines.
Amazing audiobooks ready to be downloaded right now from Libby and BorrowBox!
The Reading Well collection provides self-help reading for adults dealing with a range of mental health and other long term conditions.
'It's an inspiration ...'
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Choose from over 2,000 popular titles on a range of subjects.
All you need is your library card number and PIN.
Find out more to start reading and listening now!
Simply Knitting is one of over 2,000 magazine titles available to download for free.
All you need is your library card number and PIN to log in to account and you are away!
Plus there is a great app - just visit your app store to download the Libby app now.
The best of historical fiction in our libraries and on e-book.
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New titles have been added to the e-audio service - discover them here!
A selection of great recent cookbooks from our stock, plus websites and more for inspiration and enjoyment.
Go on - have a go!
Live well and feel well with these books and resources on mental health and well-being.
An amazing collection of books to help children aged 13 to 18 to manage their mental health, wellbeing and emotional
resilience using recommended reading.
Fantastic book and library related quotes to inspire and enthuse!
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