Free downloadable audiobooks and e-books
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Search for, download and read or listen to thousands of books free of charge.
We have 3,500 audiobooks and over 4,500 e-books to choose from; your only problem may be limiting yourself!!
You can borrow up to 10 audiobooks and 10 e-books at one time from Libby; they are loaned for three weeks and will automatically expire and be deleted when the
three weeks are completed, or return them when you are finished and download more!
All you need is your library card number and PIN to log in;
download the Libby app to start downloading or click the log in box below to visit Libbyapp.com.
You can borrow up to 15 audiobooks from BorrowBox, be aware your reservations count as a loan; they are loaned for three weeks and will automatically expire and be deleted when the
three weeks are completed, or return them when you are finished and download more!
Sign in to BorrowBox with your library card number and PIN and register or just download the BorrowBox app to register and start downloading or click the log in box below to register on the BorrowBox website.

Page last updated: 13th March 2022