Where can I find obituaries?
You can check (or ask us to check) an obituaries index of local
Bedfordshire people which is maintained at
Central Library. It is an index of obituary articles from local
newspapers and journals. It does not index notices of deaths in newspaper
classified sections. The earliest obituary indexed is from the Bedfordshire
Times of 1845
You can also find obituaries of local people in national newspapers and
magazines. At Information and
reference > Newspapers online you can search the 'Times digital
archive', which gives the complete content of 'The Times' newspaper,
including classified columns, from 1785-1985. You can also search the
'Infotrac custom newspaper database'. This gives articles from 'The Times'
and 'Sunday Times' back to 1985 and to six other national newspapers back to
Central Library has a collection of obituaries from 'The Times'
newspaper in book form: 'Obituaries from The Times', a series of three books
covering 1951 - 1960, 1961-1970 and 1971-1975 respectively
- Details of national newspapers and magazines available at
Bedford Borough and Central Bedfordshire libraries are at
Information and reference
> Newspapers
and at
Information and
reference> Magazines and journals
Page last updated: 15th September 2011