Shops - General
Places > Bedford > Shops > General
Where to buy at Bedford: an illustrated local review

Bedford Premier Shops
Messrs. Atkins
and Smith
The Bedford Supply Stores, 121 High Street
Art Studio and Mercury Press, 38 and 40, High Street
Messrs. E. P. Rose and
Dress and Mantle Makers, Milliners,
General Drapers, Carpet Warehousemen, etc., 50, High Street
Messrs. Underwood and Banks,
Wholesale and Retail Clothiers, Tailors, Hatters, and General Outfitters,
41, High Street
Messrs. R. Rose and Co.
The Bedfordshire Pianoforte and Music Warehouse,
123, High Street.
Townsend and Anderson.
Architects, Surveyors, Land Estate and House Property Agents, Valuers and
Rent Collectors, 153, Midland Road.
Edward White,
Hairdresser and Tobacconist,84a, High Street.
James Maxwell,
Wholesale and Retail Draper, 70 High Street
Walter Graves,
Grocer and Tea Dealer, Wine, Spirit, and Bottled Beer Merchant,47, High Street.
Mr F. Gammon,
The "Furniture Stores", Complete House Furnisher, Carpet Factor, Bedding
Manufacturer, etc. 85, High Street
Messrs G.
Miller and Sons,
Tailors, Military and Naval Outfitters etc., 4 and 6 Bank Buildings
Messrs. C. and T. Lester,
Manufacturers and Designers of Real Lace and Art Needlework. Warehouse: High
Mr. A.
C. Hollis,
Court Hairdresser and Perfumer, Bank Buildings
Page last updated: 22nd January 2014