Shops - General
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Where to buy at Bedford: an illustrated local review
Bedford Premier Shops
Messrs. C. and T. Lester, Manufacturers and Designers of Real Lace and Art Needlework. Warehouse: High Street
manufacture of lace is of a nature which requires the exercise of a great deal
of art in the execution as well as in the design. In designing especially
Messrs. C. and T. Lester, of High Street, have achieved a very high reputation,
having obtained the award of five prize medals for excellence of design and
manufacture of lace, including London, 1851 and 1862; Paris, 1867; Vienna, 1873;
South Kensington, 1874. With such a record as this it would be quite superfluous
for us to endeavour to add our testimony to the excellent character of their
work. We have simply confined our remarks to a general reference to the business
and its several branches and departments. The premises are centrally situated in
the main street of Bedford, and form a noticeable feature of the High Street.
All kinds of lace - Swiss and Madeira embroideries - will be found at this
establishment, and a very choice assortment of art needlework of the highest
order, besides a large stock of wools, silks, canvasses, and every requisite for
needlework. In short, it will be noted that, in these days of a revived interest
in art needlework and embroidery. Messrs. C. and T. Lester have, by their
artistic taste and enterprise, placed them selves, in the van of these
particular branches of the industry. Knowing as we do that the firm is able to
meet every reasonable demand on its resources, we have no hesitation in
recommending the public to place any orders in their hands, in full reliance
that economy, expedition, and satisfaction will be the result.
Page last updated: 22nd January 2014