Shops - General
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Where to buy at Bedford: an illustrated local review
Bedford Premier Shops
Mr. A. C. Hollis, Court Hairdresser and Perfumer, Bank Buildings
unadorned is adorned the most" is a proverb "more honoured in the breach than
the observance; " certainly in the matter of hair adornment is considered a
serious disadvantage. In Bedford our requirements in this particular are
attended to by Mr. A. C. Hollis, who has spent a great many years in his
profession. His reputation is not limited by the confines of the town, as in
addition to the every-day hair cutting and shaving, shampooing and singeing, he
is well-known as a manufacturer of specifics for the hair. In case of baldness,
weak hair, or hair that is falling off, Mr. Hollis has introduced various
remedies which have proved very successful, as is abundantly proved by the many
unsolicited testimonials received from all parts of the country. His principal
speciality is the "Astringent Lotion and Hair Tonic." This is a powerful
stimulant to produce a rapid growth of new hair, imparting life to the bulb, and
causing immediate strength to the weak existing hair. This is the only
preparation which especially acts on the roots, causing the hair to grow on bald
spots: it preserves and prevents the hair from falling, removes dandruff, and
imparts a richness and softness unapproached by ordinary preparations. The
premises are situated at Bank Buildings, near the Bridge, and opposite the Swan
Hotel: and the business has been established 65 years. The various departments
are furnished with the best taste, and customers placing themselves in the
proprietor's hands, or those of his assistants', may do so with the full
assurance of having their wishes properly attended to. The male and female
assistants employed are experienced hands. Separate saloons are reserved for
ladies' use, where the operations of hairdressing are carried out with skill and
artistic effect. Mr. Hollis makes from "combings" very superior plaits and other
necessaries, and alters or dyes ladies' hair to any required form or colour. In
the manufacture of wigs and historical head dresses! he is very successful;
theatrical wigs, beards, and make-up generally are kept for private and
professional purpose, all wigs, etc., being made on the premises. At Christmas
time especially Mr. Hollis is very busy in this direction, his services being in
great demand for school entertainments, private theatricals, and other
festivities, and in each department he has a large connection. In the front
shop, a various assortment of cosmetics, hair washes, tooth paste, etc.,
together with perfumes, medicated soaps, combs, brushes, sponges, and other
toilet requisites, will be found. By special attention to the wishes and
requirements of his customers, Mr. Hollis has succeeded in making his
establishment one of the most popular in Bedford.
Page last updated: 22nd January 2014