I am visually impaired -
What can you offer me?
Libraries have a wide selection of
materials for people with impaired vision. These include fiction and
non-fiction in large print and collections of spoken word
on CD, which are available from all libraries.
Library Services for Visually Impaired People
Large Print Books
We have a wide range of books in clear large print by popular authors - both fiction and
non-fiction. Some are available in paperback. Plus we circulate a number of special
collections of large print books. You can search the online
library catalogue for large
print books, simply by selecting to search only 'Large Print' rather than 'All
Spoken Word CDs
Stories on CD are usually in the form of two or more CDs and can be
played on any CD player.
If you are registered blind or partially sighted you can borrow or request these free of
charge by showing your registration card or social services card to the library
E-audio is also available on the Virtual Library,
discover more about e-audio here.
Music Services
Recorded music on CD is available in most libraries, they can be
requested and can be borrowed free if you are entitled to concessions.
Libraries provide reference books and community information. Enlarging
facilities may be available in some libraries. Staff are always there to
help you or take telephone enquiries.
For useful web sites, visit
WebLinks. Local organisations can be found on
the Local Information Database
A larger print facility is available on our online
library catalogue in all the libraries.
Enlarging facilities can be found on equipment and software with in the library.
We also have large mice and keyboards in all libraries, as well as access to the
Microsoft accessibility options on all our public PCs.
Page last updated: 21st February 2014