Where can I find census records?
You can search all England and Wales censuses 1841 - 1901 free at the
Ancestry Library Edition web site, available
on computers in all Bedfordshire libraries
The only full census you can search free on the open web is the 1881 census,
available on the Familysearch web site
There is also a site called FreeCEN
which is entirely free, both to search and to view
records, but it is not yet comprehensive
On the open web there are sites that enable you to search all the censuses 1841
- 1911 free but you have to pay to view the census records
The 1911 is being released in phases, with the exception of 'personally
sensitive information'
For links to census sites in
Weblinks, along with basic site navigation tips where necessary, go to
On microfiche/microfilm
1841 - 1901 Bedfordshire
1901 Bedfordshire
1841 - 1901 Local areas
Please note that information in census returns on microfiche and microfilm is
arranged by area and street, not by name
Click on the place names below to see which libraries hold the census
records for each place:
Page last updated: 5th April 2011