Who Else Writes Like...?
is a readers guide to fiction authors. If you enjoy reading fiction it can help
you to find new writers that you might enjoy, and help answer the perennial
question 'I've read all the books by my favourite authors, who shall I read
next?' Of course, no author writes exactly like another, but the selection of
alternatives provided should help to narrow the choices from the hundreds of
titles available. Simply follow the links to find an author whose books you
like, and see which other writers are recommended underneath. The site also
includes a guide to fiction genres.
The basis for the initial selection of authors are those most borrowed from libraries according to the lists compiled by the Registrar of Public Lending Right. These are supplemented with names suggested by a small team of volunteer advisors based in libraries in different parts of the United Kingdom and also in Australia. Many authors now have their own websites and links to these are included in their entry. Also available are links to other useful websites and further suggested reading material. A list of literary prizes is incorporated with entries going back to 1970.
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Page last updated: 24th February 2014