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Bedford Borough and Central Bedfordshire Libraries are delighted to offer this e-magazine service.
Choose from 25 free magazines - download them or
read online via the web or Zinio app on your PC, laptop, tablet, or phone -
anytime and anywhere!
Click here to see the full list of magazines
available (pdf 62KB)
Click here to log in and access the E-Magazine service
If it is your first use of the service you will need to set up two accounts - a Library Collection Account which verifies that you are a library customer and so can see our range of magazines. Then a Zinio Account so that you can read and manage your magazine library. Download the Zinio User Guide here for step by step instructions on how to register and use the service.
Once you are all set up one log in and you are away!
For more information read the E-Magazine Frequently Asked Questions.
Page last updated: 28th April 2014