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BBC Future
In-depth coverage of science, health and technology, and the new insights challenging what we think we know about ourselves.

How Stuff Works
An award-winning source of unbiased, reliable, easy-to-understand answers and explanations of how the world actually works.

New Scientist
Many science and technology topics, including space, technology, environment, health, life, physics and maths, and science in society. The magazine is available to download for free through our RB Digital service.

OpenLearn with the Open University - Science, Technology and Nature
The science, technology and nature pages of OpenLearn from the Open University, which aims to break the barriers to education by reaching millions of learners around the world, providing free educational resources and inviting all to sample courses that registered students take.

Royal Institution
The Royal Institution (Ri) is an independent charity dedicated to connecting people with the world of science. They are most famous for their Chritmas Lectures which were started by Michael Faraday in 1825, and which have been broadcast on television since 1966. Watch the best science videos from the Ri and across the web, catch up on their events and access Christmas Lectures.

Royal Society
The Royal Society is a self-governing Fellowship of many of the world’s most distinguished scientists drawn from all areas of science, engineering, and medicine.
Interesting science resources for students from primary level to 16-19 and also of interest to the older learner, in this site from the Association for Science Education. Covers chemistry, physics, biology, earth science and more.

Science Museum
The Science Museum's world-class collection forms an enduring record of scientific, technological and medical achievements from across the globe.

SciSeek is a curated directory of science resources created to help you find the very best science content on the Internet.

Sense About Science
Sense about Science is an independent campaigning charity that challenges the misrepresentation of science and evidence in public life.

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