Help Requesting a Title
You can reserve items to be delivered to your local library.
There are some restrictions which apply due to the fact that though
Bedfordshire and Luton Libraries
share the library catalogue we do not share
all their stock. For example CDs, Videos and DVDs are not loaned across the
county border. For more information on
what you can and cannot borrow click here.
- To reserve an item it must first be in your 'Reservation
Basket'. When you have searched for and located the item
you want to request select the link to 'Add to Basket'.
Then when you have added all your chosen titles to your basket click on
the 'Reserve' button at the top of the screen.
This takes you to the 'Your Reservations' page.
- If there are no copies displayed, or you cannot find the title
you want in the catalogue, then you can click the link 'I cannot
find what I was looking for' to
make a
Not In Stock Request
You can see all the items that have been added to your reservation
basket, this is the point where you can make a final decision about what you
would like to reserve, what you would like to add to your wishlist and what you have decided you do not want.
To Remove the Items you no longer require
- Click the 'Remove Item' link next to the title you no longer want.
will remove that specific title and reload your reservation basket page
showing what is left.
To add an item to your Wishlist
To Request the Items in your Reservation Basket
- Make sure that all the titles still showing are the ones you want.
- Select the 'Collection Library' is correct. The
system automatically places the library you joined at as the default
collection library. If you now use another
branch you can
Contact Us to change your
delivery library option permanently. Alternatively you can select another library
name for this occasion by selecting from the dropdown list.
- Select how you wish to be notified that the item has arrived. You
can be e-mailed, sent a letter, or by selecting None you elect to check
your reservations regular online or in your local library.
- If you wish to be e-mailed please ensure we have the correct e-mail
address for you. You can add or change your e-mail address by typing it
into the e-mail address box.
- Finally, click Reserve All
- The confirmation page entitled Your Reservation Has Been Completed confirms that the
requests have been made, where you are in the queue and any charges that are owing.
You can check on the progress of your request at any time by clicking on
the link 'Reservations' on the navigation.