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"Your Personal Library"

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What can I borrow from Bedfordshire and Luton Libraries?

Bedfordshire Libraries and Luton Libraries are two separate organisations working in partnership to provide the best possible Library Service.

You can choose to join either or both of these Library Services.

As a member of Bedfordshire Libraries

  • you can borrow and request any item belonging to Bedfordshire Libraries which is available for loan
  • you can request and borrow from any Bedfordshire Library
    • Luton Libraries' books
    • Luton Libraries' books on cassette or CD
    • Luton Libraries' language cassettes or CDs
  • you can return any item borrowed from a Bedfordshire library to any Bedfordshire library
  • you cannot request or borrow
    • videos, DVDs or music CDs belonging to Luton Libraries
      To borrow these items you will need to be a member of Luton Libraries and borrow the item directly from a Luton Library

I want to join Bedfordshire Libraries now

As a member of Luton Libraries

  • you can borrow and request any item belonging to Luton Libraries which is available for loan
  • you can request and borrow from any Luton Library
    • Bedfordshire Libraries' books
    • Bedfordshire Libraries' books on cassette or CD
    • Bedfordshire Libraries' language cassettes/CDs
  • you can return any item borrowed from a Luton library to any Luton library
  • you cannot request or borrow
    • videos, DVDs or music CDs belonging to Bedfordshire Libraries
      To borrow these items you will need to be a member of Bedfordshire Libraries and borrow the item directly from a Bedfordshire Library

I want to join Luton Libraries now



Page last updated:25th November 2008