Where can I find the Vital Records Index, British Isles?
Local and family history A-Z > Vital Records Index, British Isles

- You can search the Vital Records Index, British Isles online on the Ancestry Library Edition web site at any Bedford Borough and Central Bedfordshire library
- Ancestry Library Edition details are at A-Z local and family history
- On Ancestry Library Edition, the Vital Records Index, British Isles information is given in two databases, called 'England & Wales Christening Records, 1530-1906' and 'England & Wales Marriages, 1538-1940'
- To find this information on Ancestry Library Edition, click 'Search' near the top left of the Ancestry Library Edition home page, then scroll down and click 'UK and Ireland', then click 'England'
- At the resulting page, under the heading 'England historical records', at the end of the section headed 'England birth, marriage and death' click 'View all England birth, marriage and death'
- On the resulting list, the items 'England & Wales Christening Records, 1530-1906' and 'England & Wales Marriages, 1538-1940' are from the Vital Records Index for the British Isles
- In addition to free use in libraries, the Ancestry web site is also available by subscription at Ancestry.com
Page last updated: 15th September 2011