Wills and Probate
A-Z How to Find Information > Law and your rights
Overview and links
Follow the relevant links at the Death and bereavement section of the official government site, GOV.UK
Probate Service guidance and forms
- You can find probate forms and guidance at The Probate Service section of Her Majesty's Courts Service site
- In particular, there is a Guidance page, which includes a link to How to obtain probate, where you can click to open a substantial guide 'How to obtain probate - a guide for the applicant acting without a solicitor'
- See also the many other links at the right of the The Probate Service pages, leading to forms, further guidance, a helpline and more
More guides
- You can find a helpful leaflet at the Law Society's Guide to common legal problems page. Scroll down to the 'Probate' heading for links to the leaflet, which is available in several different languages
- The Age Concern England web site gives information for people aged over 60. At Information and advice > End of life see 'What to do when someone dies' for a brief overview and see 'Dealing with someone's estate - FS14' for more detail
Probate registries
- There are a number of probate registries and sub-registries around the country. In addition there are local probate offices where probate interviews take place if they are necessary
- If you need to go to a local probate office, you have to arrange it with the relevant probate registry or sub-registry
- For probate contact details see Probate registries on The Probate Service web site
Share prices
- If you need to find a company's historical share price to help settle probate, see Where can I find company share prices?
In the Library
- You can search the library catalogue for books on wills and probate
Page last updated: 26th November 2013