Telephone, Email and Postcodes
A-Z How to Find Information > Internet, IT and Communication
- You can search BT's Phone Book online
- Alternatively search the range of online telephone directories listed on WebLinks
- If you are unable to find the phone number of a company or other organisation, see further tips at Where can I find the contact details of a business?
- Dialling codes can be found via the Dialling codespage on WebLinks
- Looking oversea directories? Try the Telephone directories section of WebLinks and scroll down to the heading 'World'
If you would like to set up a free email address, go to the Free email accounts page on WebLinks
- If you are searching for an email address, you can try a few email search engines but they are far from comprehensive. See the Email directories page on WebLinks
- If you are looking to contact a company or other organisation, you may find it on the company or organisation's web site or in a specialised online or printed directory. See Where can I find the contact details of a business?
- Find a postcode by searching the Royal Mail's web site (see web site tips below) or call the Postcode Enquiry Line (but note the premium rate during office hours). The printed postcode directories have ceased publication
- The Royal Mail web site also enables you to find an address if you have the postcode
- The Royal Mail also has various products suitable for businesses and other large users.
- Links to other web sites dealing with postal services are on the Postcodes and postal services page on WebLinks
In the Library
Page last updated: 26th November 2013