Oxford Dictionary of National Biography (ODNB)
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A vast work giving you detailed biographies, written by experts, on 55,000
people who shaped British history worldwide, from the 4th century BC to 2002
- Covers not just the 'great and the
good', but people from all walks of life who have left a mark for any
reason, good, bad, or unusual
- Does
not include living people
- Also has 10,000 portrait images,
such as photographs, paintings, drawings and sculptures
- Includes a 'Themes' section giving reference lists of popular
categories of people plus feature essays on many varied topics
- Online updates are added three times a year
- Includes a
Bedfordshire page that you can view without logging in
- Keep up with new ODNB biographies and features at
What's new
Log in
with your library
membership number
and PIN
ODNB tips
- You can search for a specific person or you can browse through
biographies alphabetically
- You can do a simple 'Quick Search' to search for an a biography of
someone by name or to search for a word or phrase anywhere in the text of
all the pages
- Before you start a 'Quick Search', click the 'Search tips'
link on the ODNB web site and take a look at section 4 of the 'Help table
of contents'
- You can also search by many other features, such as date of birth or
death, field of activity, place and religious affiliation
- To make the most of all the extra search features, click the 'Search
tips' link on the ODNB web site and take a look at the 'Help table of
contents' from section 6 onwards
- To find an image of someone, just search for a biography of that
person. If there is an image available it will be on the biography page
- You will see that there is also an 'Image' search option, but that
searches for ODNB images by specified artists, not for images of a
particular person
- Click 'Themes' on the ODNB home page to see reference lists such as
kings and queens, prime ministers, Nobel prize winners and 'Musical
chart-toppers in the Oxford DNB', 'Olympic title-holders in the Oxford
DNB' and 'Holders of the Victoria Cross in the Oxford DNB' and many more
- Click 'Themes' on the ODNB home page to see feature essays such as
'Ask a woman: women in high politics 1700 - 2000', 'British entrepreneurs
and brand names' and 'Eighteenth century India', 'The Fire of London' and
'Life on the home front' and many more
- Without needing to log in you can go to two free ODNB services:
Free Oxford DNB
for various free features such as a monthly online ODNB magazine and a
selection of biographies and feature articles; and the
Oxford Biography Index,
a freely available index of notable people from British history, at
present containing over 55,000 entries
- The online ODNB is a completely new edition of the original printed
Dictionary of National Biography (DNB)
but it also includes all biographies from the original DNB (which began
publication in 1885)
- At the three big libraries, Bedford Central, Dunstable and Leighton
Buzzard, you can also see the 60-volume printed set of the new ODNB

Page last updated: 12th October 2010