Benefits and Tax Credits
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Who deals with the main benefits and tax credits?
Benefits and pensions are dealt with by the Department for Work and Pensions, through Jobcentre Plus, the Pensions Service and the Disability and Carers Service
- Housing benefit, council tax and council tax benefit are dealt with by local unitary or district and borough councils
- Child benefits and tax credits and dealt with by HM Revenue and Customs
How can I contact local and national offices?
- For benefits and pensions helplines and offices, including local JobCentre Plus offices, there are links to GOV.UK and other pages on the Contact Us Page of the Department for Work and Pensions
- For housing benefit, council tax and council tax benefit in Bedfordshire, see Bedford Borough Council - Advice and Benefits or the Benefits section of Central Bedfordshire Council's web site
- For child benefits and tax credits helplines, see HM Revenue and Customs helplines
What am I entitled to?
- You can find official information at GOV.UK
- Find information about financial support available through welfare benefits, grants and other help at the site of charitable service Turn2Us. The site includes the Turn2Us Benefits Calculator to help you work out your entitlements
- See the 'Your money' section of the Citizens Advice Adviceguide site for helpful explanations about help to which you may be entitled
- For more web sites, see Benefits and tax credits on WebLinks
- You can consult the annual book 'Welfare Benefits and Tax Credits Handbook' at many libraries. This
comprehensive guide is 'fully indexed and cross-referenced to law, regulations
and official guidance, and also to court and commissioners' decisions.
Information is fully cross-referenced between the social security and tax
You can also consult at many libraries the annual guide to benefits and services for people with disabilities, the 'Disability Rights Handbook
Search the library catalogue to find these books.
Page last updated: 2nd December 2013