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Would you like to get to grips with the basics, recap what you learned at school or advance further in exploring mathematics? You can find fun and interesting maths information online, whatever your level of maths skill
As a library member you can access a range of e-resources by logging in with your library card number and PIN.
You can consult several useful maths books online if you log in to Reference books online
- Credo Reference - includes 'The Penguin Dictionary of Mathematics' which has entries on all branches of pure and applied mathematics, dozens of explanatory diagrams and biographies of over 200 key figures in mathematics
- Oxford Reference Online - offers 'The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Mathematics' also covering pure and applied mathematics and and biographies of prominent mathematicians. Another book here is 'A Dictionary of Statistics', covering a broad range of statistical vocabulary in jargon-free language
- Encyclopaedia Britannica Online - gives a broad overview article plus many articles on specific aspects of maths; click 'Subject browse', then click 'Science and mathematics', then click 'Mathematics'
- Oxford Dictionary of National Biography - to find out more about major mathematicians who are no longer living
- There are specially selected web sites for beginners and for the more advanced at Mathematics section of WebLinks.
In the Library
- You can also find many books on mathematics and mathematicians in the library. Search the Library Catalogue to discover what is at your local library
Page last updated: 2nd December 2013