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A-Z How to Find Information > Law and your rights > How can I find a report of a court case?
If you need a law report urgently, if it is not available online or locally and if you have the full case reference, you may prefer to contact the British Library or a specialist legal service directly and pay them directly for a faxed, downloadable or posted copy. This would normally cost more than your library would charge, plus a copyright fee
- For one-off direct orders from the British Library you can search and order from either British Library Direct, a database of articles from a five year archive of 20,000 journals, or the British Library Integrated Catalogue
- An example of a pay-as-you-go specialist legal service is Sweet and Maxwell's DocDel service
- For materials before 1st January 2007, you can contact Hammersmith Reference Library, where there is a wide-ranging law collection. From 1st January 2007 the collection is no longer being updated
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How can I find a report of a law case?
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Page last updated: 26th November 2013