Spanish Civil War
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The Spanish Civil War began in July 1936.
Thousands of volunteers went from Britain to join others in the
International Brigade, and
the USSR, to fight with the Spanish Republicans against fascism
National Archives
- To mark the 75th anniversary in July 2011, The National Archives has made records relating to British and Irish volunteers in the war available at National Archive - Documents Online
- The records include a list of over 4,000 volunteers who left Britain to join the fight against fascism and a roll of honour of those killed in action
- Learn more at The National Archives news page
International Brigade Memorial Trust
- Find details of educational materials, memorials and more at the International Brigade Memorial Trust
- The Trust's web site includes a large section about the British volunteers
Imperial War Museum
- Spanish Civil War, Dreams and Nightmares you can listen to extracts from interviews with International Brigade veterans, in an archive begun by the Sound Archive of the Imperial War Museum after the 40th anniversary in 1976
- At VADS , the online resource for the visual arts, click the link 'View all images' to view the Imperial War Museum's Spanish Civil War Poster Collection
The Guardian newspaper
- In 2000, The Guardian newspaper interviewed 23 of the then 40 survivors
- Read the background at Last of the brigade
- Read their accounts and view photographs at The Spanish Civil War Remembered
As a library member you can access a range of e-resources by logging in with your library card number and PIN.
- Credo Reference - search "Spanish Civil War", including the quotation
marks as shown here
- search guernica to read about Picasso's famous painting 'Guernica' inspired by the devastating bombing of the town of Guernica during the Spanish Civil War. The painting has come to symbolise the savagery of war - Oxford Art Online - search guernica to view an image of Picasso's painting
- Oxford Reference Online - search "Spanish Civil War". Try the search first with the quotation marks as shown here and then again without them. The second time you will find additional relevant results among some less relevant ones
- Encyclopedia Britannica - search "spanish civil war" for background articles, images and videos. For the videos, click the 'Multimedia' links on the results page
- Times Digital Archive - search "spanish civil war" for archive news reports
Page last updated: 3rd December 2013