Health and Care
A-Z How to Find Information
Frequently asked questions
How do I find a doctor, dentist, optician, pharmacy or hospital?
- Where can I find details of a medicine or drug?
- Is there a self-help or support group for a particular illness or disability?
- How can I see an inspection report on a care home?
- How do I find out more about mental health and care?
- How can I find out more about disabilities and support?
- How do I learn more about support for older people?
As a library member you can access a range of e-resources by logging in with your library card number and PIN.
- Credo Reference - search and browse many reference books online, for example, 'Black's Medical Dictionary', 'Royal Society of Medicine Health Encyclopaedia' and 'Dorland's Illustrated Medical Dictionary'
- Oxford Reference Online - find more medical books, for example, 'The Oxford Companion to the Body', 'Concise Medical Dictionary' and 'An A-Z of Medicinal Drugs'
- Newspapers online - search for health news items from daily and Sunday newspapers; for historical information there is also the 'Times Digital Archive' covering 1785-2007
- NHS Choices - the National Health Service site for the public, information on many medical conditions, along with treatments, healthy living, contact details for GPs, hospitals and much more
- For more, specially selected, health and care web sites see the Health and Care section of WebLinks
- For local information and council support, see Health and Social Care at the Central Bedfordshire Council web site and Bedford Borough Council Health and Social Care
- For more local services and for support groups search the Local Information Database
Page last updated: 26th November 2013