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Encyclopaedia Britannica - the complete Encyclopaedia Britannica on your desktop! Thousands of articles and illustrations plus many additional features: specially web sites, video and sound clips, full text articles, an atlas, timelines and more....
- Credo Reference - search and browse a range of general encyclopaedias, as well as ones on individual subjects
- Oxford Reference Online - general and specialist titles, plus the 'Oxford companions...' series of books which give encyclopaedic coverage on individual subjects
- See Art and Design and Music for details of the art and music encyclopaedias in Oxford Art Online and Oxford Music Online
- The Encyclopaedias section of WebLinks links you to useful encyclopaedia and fact-finding web sites.
In the Library
- You can still browse printed encyclopaedias and similar books in the libraries - search the Library Cataloge to discover what is at your local library
Page last updated: 18th November 2013