A-Z How to Find Information
Frequently asked questions
How can I find playgroups, out-of-school clubs, holiday schemes and other activities, children's centres, childminders and other childcare?
- How can I find out about local adoption and fostering?
- Where can I find out about schools, including addresses, admissions and school term and holiday dates?
- Where can I find free legal advice on a problem concerning my family, children or their education?
- At what age can a child...?
Finding information
- For local support, activities and services, including safeguarding and protection of children, see Bedford Borough Family Information Service and Central Bedfordshire Family Information Directory
- For more local services and activities, see the Local Information Database
- Web sites for parents and others on children's issues, including health, reading development, adoption and fostering, rights and more, are in the Childrens section of WebLinks
- Web sites, information and games for children are in the Children and Teens section of the Virtual Library
Page last updated: 25th November 2013