Social Science
Poverty UK | Social Science
Amoeba Web
Provides over 2000 links to psychology content on the web including full text articles. faculty/ ddegelman/ amoebaweb/
British Academy Portal
The British Academy's directory of online resources in the humanities and social sciences. Covers: classical antiquity, history of art, music, theology, linguistics, literature, archaeology, philosophy, law, economics, anthropology, sociology, geography, political studies and psychology. portal
Encyclopedia of Psychology
Collection of categorised web links on all aspects of psychology.
Intute: Social Science
Gateway site linking to sites relevant to social science education and research, including economics, education, environmental sciences and issues, ethnology, geography, government, law, management, philosophy, politics, psychology, social welfare, sociology, statistics and women's studies. socialsciences/
Psychology World Wide Web Virtual Library
Large collection of psychology links including the history of psychology, journals, academic contacts, directories of psychology resources etc index.html
Poverty UK | Social Science