Health and Care
Ailments, Diseases and Medical Conditions | Care Homes and Carers | Complementary Medicine | Dentistry | Disability | Doctors | Government Departments and Agencies and the NHS | Health and Safety | History | Learning Disabilities | Medical Journals | Medicines | Mental Health | Smoking | World Health
Government Departments and Agencies and the NHS
Care Quality Commission
Regulates health and adult social care services in England and protects the rights of people detained under the Mental Health Act. Replaces the work of the Healthcare Commission, the Mental Health Act Commission and the Commission for Social Care Inspection, abolished in April 2009
Choose and Book
Choose and Book is a new NHS service that allows patients to choose a hospital or clinic and book an appointment with a specialist. From 1 January 2006 patients will be able to choose from at least four hospitals or clinics, they will also be able to choose the date and time of their appointments. Patients can book online or telephone the Choose and Book appointment line.
Department of Health
UK government department home page providing access to press releases, new publications, health telephone advice numbers and information about current health issues in the news.
Food Standards Agency
Information on healthy eating, food labeling, hygiene and legislation
National Health Service
Gateway to National Health Service sites including a searchable database of local services.
National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence
The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) is the independent organisation responsible for providing national guidance on the promotion of good health and the prevention and treatment of ill health. NICE produces guidance in three areas of health; public health, health tchnologies and clinical practice.
NHS Choices
"This website has been developed to help you make choices about your health, from lifestyle decisions about things like smoking, drinking and exercise, through to the practical aspects of finding and using NHS services when you need them." Includes links to NHS and a health A-Z. Pages/ homepage.aspx
NHS Direct
NHS Direct Online is a gateway to NHS Internet health information sources. It is supported by a telephone helpline.
NHS East of England
Information about the new strategic health authority covering Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire, Essex, Hertfordshire, Norfolk and Suffolk. You can look for information by individual county. index.html
NHS Evidence
NHS Evidence provides access to selected, quality health and social care evidence and best practice. NHS staff with an Athens account can also get free access to paid for journals and databases
The Information Centre
An independent special NHS health Authority that collects, analyses and distributes national statistics on health care. Find statistics on health and lifestyles, hospitals, population and geography, primary care, social care etc.
The Patients Association
Organisation acting as a focus for consumer complaints and suggestions to the NHS.
Ailments, Diseases and Medical Conditions | Care Homes and Carers | Complementary Medicine | Dentistry | Disability | Doctors | Government Departments and Agencies and the NHS | Health and Safety | History | Learning Disabilities | Medical Journals | Medicines | Mental Health | Smoking | World Health