Places > Lidlington > Crime
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Murder of James Crick - Page 2

Bedfordshire Libraries, 2007
Continued from Page 1.
Being too frightened to enter the house the Miller waited for help which came from Mr Duncombe, a nearby farmer. Mr Duncombe's man entered the house and saw the legs of Rebecca Read, the housekeeper, at the top of the stairs. She was quite dead. The alarm was given and the house searched, every chest, box, drawer etc had been broken open. The precise time of the murders was not known but it was thought to have been on the Friday evening. Mr Crick had been to Woburn market on the Friday morning and was last seen alive by Mr William Bartram, a farmer, also of Lidlington, during the evening. Shrieks had been heard by the children of a labouring man, who lived not too far distant from the fatal spot but little attention had been paid to them.
Page last updated: 3rd February 2014