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Bunyan's Mead

Places > Elstow > Historic Houses > Bunyan's Mead

Originally the cottages thought to date around the Jacobean period were black and white as they are today but they were at sometime pebble dashed.

In the 1970s the Whitbread estate sold the cottages to Bedford Borough Council for one pound on the condition that the cottages would be restored and renovated as over the years the cottages had fell into disrepair.

The Council restored them to the original black and white and at the same time converted them into flats and maisonettes for the elderly with a daytime centre and resident wardens flat at a cost of 279,000.


  • Newspaper Cuttings Collection, Local Studies Library, Bedford Central Library.
  • HART, M.  Portrait of Elstow.  2000

Bunyan's Mead, Elstow by Bedfordshire Libraries, 2011

Page last updated: 27th January 2014