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Royal Army Service Corps
Reminiscences of the Second World War service of
Mr Robert E. Brown

Places > Biggleswade > Second World War > Royal Army Service Corps

by Mrs Beryl Brown

Robert Brown was born on the 24th June 1924 at 21 Lawrence Road, Biggleswade.  He attended Rose Lane School and Fire Station Middle School.  He returned to Rose Lane School later, leaving at the age of 14.

After leaving school Robert became an apprentice with Wells and Winches as a cooper (Wells and Winches later became Green King Brewery).

In 1942 he was called up to the RASC and he went to Ireland and Scotland for training.

He took part in the D-Day landings and landed on Sword Beach in the 6th June 1944.  Following D-Day he drove through France and into Paris, Belgium and liberated Brussels. He recalled that people were very pleased to see the troops go through.

Robert E. Brown

Robert E. Brown

On one occasion while driving an American war correspondent Robert parked his jeep outside a building.  As he and the war correspondent walked across the road the jeep was blown up and they were held by the Germans for two to three weeks.  The Germans left as the Americans got closer and Robert and the war correspondent made it back to American lines.

Robert was a driver, and drove anything he had to, even tanks.  He did tell his family that he had to drive an ambulance into Auschwitz but that is all he would say as he did not want to talk about it.

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Robert Brown's Pay Book:

Paybook - front cover Paybook - first page Paybook - second page Paybook - third page

Prayer carried by Robert Brown:

Prayer carried by Robert Brown      

Page last updated: 23rd January 2014