Bedford Park
Places > Bedford > Parks
view depicts one of the many charming prospects contrived by the art of
the landscape gardener in the New Park, which is now several years
old. The public had enjoyed the use of the park some years before it
was formerly opened by the Marquess of Tavistock (the elder brother of the
Duke of Bedford), on the 11th July, 1888, in the mayoralty of Mr. Joshua
Hawkins. The land, 61 acres in extent, was once the property of the
St. John's Hospital. It was set apart for a public recreation ground
by Act of Parliament in 1881, and laid out by the Bedford
Corporation. It contains an admirable variety of ornamental shrubs,
two pavilions, a band stand, two lodges, pitches for cricket, tennis lawns,
walks and drives, on which cycling is a favourite pastime, and other
appointments. The Park is the Bois de Boulogne of Bedford, and the
magnificent approach by De Parys Avenue is a veritable Champs Elysees. The
handsome wrought iron entrance gates, together with the lodge and one of the
pavilions was paid for by public subscription.
Extract from: Bedfordshire Illustrated, photographic views of Bedford, Luton, Leighton Buzzard, Dunstable and Woburn, Rush and Warwick, Harpur Street
Page last updated: 22nd January 2014