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| World War II
World War II
- Anne Frank
Photographs of Anne and her family and the annexe. Click on Anne Frank for information on her life, her hiding place and her diary.
- Bedford in Wartime
Wonderful site from Bedford Museum. Click on Enter Bedford in Wartime and then Onscreen Children's Activities for info on preparation for war, evacuation, rationing and much more.[%20in%20Wartime]/index.htm
- Children of World War II
Find out what life was like for children in World War II. Do the rationing challenge and find out what sort of food you could buy in the shops. Find out what it was like to be an evacuee.
- Children's War
New interactive site from the Imperial War Museum. Lots of information on childhood during the war - evacuation, rationing, daily life, school and air raids.[...]=imperial
- Hitler
Rise of Hitler, Holocaust, biographies of Nazi leaders, timeline with photos and texts.
- How Much Was It Worth Then?
Find out how much £1 in a Victorian gentleman's pocket is worth in today's money. You may be surprised!
- London during the Blitz
Photographs of London during the Blitz.[london-blitz.htm]
- People's War
An excellent site with masses of information. Read people's stories about their lives in WW2 or pass on your own family stories for future generations.
- Second World War Encyclopaedia
Masses of information about every aspect of WWII. Politicians, military leaders, battles, the Home Front, war journalists and artists, timeline, scientists and inventors, Resistance organisations, the Holocaust, Hitler and Nazi Germany, secret agents, weapons and many other subjects.
- The Day World War II Began
BBC site covering the events of 3rd September 1939 when Britain declared war on Germany.[world_war]/default.stm
- The Home Front
What was happening at home in Britain while the soldiers were away fighting? Includes rationing, propaganda and people's memories of the war. Also has links to other sites and print your own identity card![HomeFront].html
- Women at War
Find out about all the different jobs that women did during the war years. Includes the Land Army, nursing ,industry and entertainment as well as the Forces.
- World War I
Basic information on the causes and key events of World War I and II.[schools/gcsebitesize/history/mwh]/ir1/
- World War II Help for Children
Woodlands Junior School site covering rationing, evacuation, Battle of Britain, air raid shelters, women at war, gas masks, fashions, children, the Home Guard, the blackout, the Blitz and ARP wardens. Great info![war]/index.htm
- World War II Quotations
Quotations from famous people — Chamberlain, Churchill, Halifax
- World War Two - Bedfordshire Libraries
Links to information about WW2 in Bedfordshire, including Cranfield, Henlow, Tempsford, Biggleswade and the BBC in Bedfordshire during the war.[...]digitsation_wwii.htm