Laura - Sandye Place Middle School
WW2 Home | Fighting

This is about what a soldier did during the war in the Far East. I included what the fighting was about and how hard it was.
I found the information from the soldier's notes and I wrote it as questions and answers.
A Soldier's Story
During May 1944 the regiment was divided into detachments to go on a P.T course for seven days. I was included in the last detachment to go at the end of May and this course for seven days.
What is the main job of a survey regiment?
The main job of a survey regiment is to be able to give a fix on enemy guns by use of flash spotting or sound ranging equipment.
Where were you in March 1945?
It was now about the third week in March 1945 and at this time we were about 85 miles from meiktila
What did you do when the attack was finished in Yamethin?
When the attack had finished, there was quite a scramble to get the vehicles dispersed a bit further a field.
What was the damage?
Several trucks had been hit and were burning in particular as we moved away a petrol tanker had just gone up in flames quite a blaze this was as the flame leapt up to a great height.
When did the first atom bomb dropped?
The 6th August 1945 was rather over shadowed by the news of the atom bomb being dropped on Hiroshima. This was exciting for us as rumours of a Jap surrender closely followed.
Was there a second bomb dropped?
A second bomb a few days later meant that the Jap surrender was complete and I think the surrender terms were signed on 14th august 1945.
Did anything happen unexpected when you were in Palestine?
While I was in Palestine terrorist gangs were carrying out bombings and shootings although these were not directed at the British troops.
What group was the main organisation?
The stern gang were the main organisation and they kept the Palestine police very much on their toes. I don't know all the details but I'm sure it was a Jew versus Arab affair.
What was the news about in early December?
Early in December news came through that about 75% of the regiment would be due for repatriation before Christmas. These men had done 5 years and 3 months abroad and were mostly the chaps I had joined when I was posted to Palestine.
What happened on 31st December 1946?
We went up through the red sea and the Suez Canal and we were put into Port Said on the 31st December 1946. I think this is a terrific coincidence as the date of sailing and the date into Port Said had been repeated exactly three years later.
What happened when you approached bay of Biscal?
When we came to the Bay of Biscal it was an extremely rough crossing. I think that anything that was moveable on the ship moved!
What did you do in April 1944?
I was granted seven days leave. I decided to split this up so that I had three ways in Jerusalem and four days in tel Aviv.
When did you arrive in Bombay?
I remember we arrived in Bombay on a Thursday within hours we were on a train bound for Calcutta.
What were you doing in early September 1944?
We settled down to a routine here and this included even more schemes and quite a number of route marches. I remember going out one day for a twenty mile route march (F.S.M.O) and our section of lost our way.
WW2 Home | Fighting
Page last updated: 25th February 2014