Information and Reference
Newspapers Online
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Information and reference online resources
Two services: Newsstand and
Times Digital Archive

Over a hundred national and regional newspapers to search and browse.
To see the full list of titles, as at April 2100,
open this Excel file 2011
The list includes the Times and Citizen and the Herald and Post/Luton News
To make the most of Newsstand, see the links under 'Want to learn more?' at
the Newsstand search page
Looking for an obituary? Newsstand makes it easy with a special 'Search
obituaries' section
For today's newspapers, see the individual newspaper web
sites on WebLinks

Times Digital Archive
The complete digital edition of The Times for the period
1785 - 1985
Includes all articles, adverts and illustrations/photos
- You can take a 'Guided Tour' to discover all about the Times Digital Archive
(TDA) without having to log in first. Go to Gale Cengage Learning,
select Product Training from the menu along the top of the screen, then
click TDA
Some Virtual Library members will need to find out
how to become eligible to use this database
Page last updated: 26th April 2011