Advice and Help
A-Z How to Find Information > Law and Your Rights
Adviceguide , produced by Citizens Advice, gives helpful information on a wide range of topics. You can also find details of your local Citizens Advice, for free, confidential, independent advice, face-to-face and by telephone
- The official Community Legal Advice helpline can provide free help or legal advice over the phone. It can help with family, debt, housing, employment, education, welfare benefits and tax credits problems
- The government web site GOV.UK gives information and advice on many issues
- For more helpful web sites and books see the individual subject sections in A-Z How to Find Information. For example, see Consumer issues; Disability; Employment; LGBT; Health and Care; Law and Your Rights; Money Matters
- For local advice agencies on benefits, community care, debt, consumer, discrimination, employment, family law, housing, immigration and more, see the Direction for Bedfordshire directory
- For local support groups, see the Local Information Database
- Web sites of many helpful national organisations are at Your Rights and Citizenship and also at the specific subject sections of WebLinks
Page last updated: 5th October 2020