History Artefacts
Artefacts | Countries | Religion
Anglo Saxons* | Aztecs | Egyptians | Greeks | Romans* | Seaside* | Stuarts* | Toys | Tudors* | Victorians* | Vikings* | WWII
Follow the links above to see the range of history related
artefact packs available. Simply email or phone us at
sls@bedford.gov.uk , 01234 228755, to book
the packs you want. Don't forget to tell us which half term you would like
them delivered for.
Once we receive your request we will confirm availability of your chosen packs
and then send you an invoice once we have delivered.
Anglo Saxons
Saxon Artefact
Includes a cooking pot; Staffordshire Hoard Set with a selection of replica items based on the finding of original items found in 2009; Set of 5 double sided coins featuring King Alfred, an early London Mint mark and Anlaf Guthrisson amongst others. The Anglo Saxons used runes in religion for casting spells. These 16 examples are burnt onto wooden tablets. Children can decorate their own urns and drawings with this set of 5 wooden replica pot stamps. Price £10.00
Aztecs Time Capsule
Uncover Aztec artefacts to reveal much about this lost culture.
Pack includes large pre-Hispanic pottery mask, pottery printing stamp, a ceramic
sun stone, traditional bark paper, pottery ocarina and a pestle and mortar and grinding stone. Pack includes teachers
Price £15.00
Ancient Egypt
This pack gives an introduction into what can be found out about
Ancient Egypt from what has survived. Includes scribe's writing set,
Egyptian necklace, heiroglyph poster and replica models of Ushabti, Bast, Anubis and teachers
Price £15.00
Remains of Ancient Greece Capsule
Who were the Ancient Greeks and how do we use their ideas today?
Use this pack as a starting point to introduce this topic to your class.
Includes theatrical masks, coins, spinning top, wax writing tablet and
teachers notes.
Price £10.00
Archaeological Set
Become real archaeologists and turn your classroom into a
historical dig! Contains mosaic tile pieces, mortarium pieces, roman
coins, knicklebones, a roman torc and much more!
Price £15.00
Roman Settler's Capsule
Why did the Romans invade and settle in Britain? The
artefacts in this pack give an insight into the time when they held influence
over most of Britain. Includes writing tablet, coins, oil lamp, strigil,
bangle, toy horse and teachers notes.
Price £10.00
Artefact includes a Roman Soldier's helmet and sandals.
Price £10.00
A collection of historical artefacts which can be found at the seaside.
The pack includes Punch and Judy puppets, tin bucket, wooden spade, parasol and
a penny lick.
Price £20.00
Plague Time Capsule
A collection of items to explore the Great Plague of 1665.
Includes: Hat and Mask, Bell, Stone Pot and Charles II Coin set.
Price £15.00
Great Fire
of London
Explore the Great
Fire of London with this set of artefacts including: black leather helmet,
visual scene of the great fire, a tripod cooking pot, masks of Samuel Pepys,
Charles II and Christopher Wren. Also includes a jigsaw and postcards depicting
the event. Price £20.00
Tudor Toys
This set of Tudor toys includes lenten rattle, hobby horse, 3
streamers on a stick, egg mill, 5 stones and a stump doll.
Price £10.00
Toys of the Past Pack
This pack includes some of the toys our grandparents and great
grandparents played with; two flick books, Jacob's ladder, pop-gun, pecking
chickens, pull spinner and a man falling down a ladder plus notes.
Price £10.00
WWII Toys Pack
This pack includes a wooden aeroplane, wooden boat and tank, a
target shooting range, cotton reel tank, clompers, blow football, dressing doll
and a handkerchief parachute.
Price £10.00
Tudor Toys
This set of Tudor toys includes lenten rattle, hobby horse, 3
streamers on a stick, egg mill, 5 stones, stump doll and a children's games
Bruegel poster.
Price £10.00
Victorian Childhood
What was it like for a child living in Victorian Britain?
Includes writing set, cup and ball, top and whip, swing
toy, yoyo, skipping rope, diablo, gird and cleek and teachers
Price £20.00
Victorian Classroom Pack
This pack of artefacts enables children to take part in a
Victorian lesson. Pack includes slates, pencils, pens, ink wells,
copy books, reading booklets, resource folder, finger stocks, backboard and teachers notes.
Price £20.00
Victorian Home
Explore a victorian home with
this set of artefacts which includes:
a kettle, storage tins, picture sorting activity, wooden laundry
tongs, 2 wooden butter pats, wooden spoon and rolling pin.
Price £20.00
Experience life as a Viking with this range of artefacts.
Pack includes a Viking lamp, set of 2 double sided coins, Thor's hammer, Viking
Thor mask and Viking's longboat.
Price £20.00
Air Raid Shelter Artefact Pack
Experience what life was life in the shelters. This pack
includes items that a typical family may have kept in their shelter, including a
hurricane lamp, chamber pot, tins of non perishable food, spare clothing,
playing cards, personal documentation and newspaper headline on the Battle of
Price £20.00
Evacuee's Suitcase of Belongings
A evocative trove of belongings to shine a light on the trials
and tribulations of the time. Selected with role play, enquiry (and
fascination!) in mind. Contents include suitcase, evacuee's label, ration
book, identity card, coins, letters, gas mask, marbles and yoyo.
Price £20.00
Home Front
Find out more about what life was like on the Home Front with this selection of artefacts which includes: a selection of posters, gas mask, ration pack of different food items and child of war memoribilia pack. Price £20.00
Toys Pack
This pack includes a wooden aeroplane, wooden boat and tank, a
target shooting range, cotton reel tank, clompers, blow football, dressing doll
and a handkerchief parachute.
Price £10.00