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17th Century England
Find out what life was like for people, rich and poor, in 17th century England. Information on food, clothes, education, transport medicine and much more.

Great Fire of London Game
Brilliant interactive game produced by the Museum of London about the Fire of London, follow the stories of Tom Porter who lived on Pudding Lane and Jane Birch, Samuel Pepys' maid.

Great Plague 1665
History of the Great Plague of 1665, also known as the 'Black Death'.[The-Great-Plague]/

Guy Fawkes
Factual details about the Gunpowder plot and the co-conspirators.

Guy Fawkes
Excellent illustrations and account of the gunpowder plot. Includes BBC video clips from the programme.[GuyFawkes]

Samuel Pepys Diary 1666 - Great Fire
Website contains the story of the Great Fire of London, extracts from Samuel Pepys' diary, also John Evelyn's diary and useful links to Great Fire sites.

Stuart Architecture
Information about Stuart architects and architecture.[stuarts/architecture]

Stuart Monarchs
All the Stuart monarchs and commonwealth under Oliver Cromwell.

The Great Plague
Information about the worst plague in British history.

The Great Plague
Facts and figures about the plague, how it started and the impact it had.

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