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World War II
Notes from the Newspapers
The Home Front

World War II


Local Shortage of Sausages
"The anxiety of Bedford householders about their weekly meat supplies has subsided, and with it has gone the rush for meat in the early mornings.  The only queues one now sees are those outside the pork butchers' shops, of people who want sausages.  These are not obtainable at most of the ordinary butchers' shops, and the few that can be had quickly disappear from the counters." (Bedfordshire Times, 17th January 1941)

Dig for Victory
"Bedford Corporation propose to open a Dig for Victory campaign in the Borough on the 3rd March with a public meeting over which the Mayor (Mr A.M. Dudney) will preside....What people do in the first week of March will decide the quantity and kind of food they will have later in the year.  We want people to produce non-perishable foodstuffs, to learn how to use fertilizers ant to render help to each other.  The Mayor said that badges or other distinguishing marks would be issued for display outside houses so that members of the public would know those people who were willing to advise on gardening problems...." (Bedfordshire Times, 21st February 1941)


Rat menace in Bedfordshire and District.  Every man, woman and child is asked to be a "Rat-Reporter"
"A country wide effort is being made to destroy these food-devouring, disease spreading pests." All you need to do - If you see a rat fill in this coupon and take it or post it to 6s St. Mary's Street Bedford stating where you have seen rats. Issued by the Ministry of Food." (Bedford Times and Standard, 17th March, 1944)


Page last updated: 3rd February 2014