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Treasure Island by Robert Louis StevensonPublished in 1833 and set in the 1700s, "Treasure Island" is one of the best-known examples of a classic adventure story. Hopefully you enjoyed reading the book and it kept you hooked until the very end, but just how well did you read it? See if you can answer these quiz questions. Not read it yet? Read Treasure Island now.

  1. Who is the main narrator of the book?
  2. Where does the story begin?
  3. What is Pew's most noticeable feature?
  4. What was the death note placed in the Captain's hand called?
  5. What is the "Hispaniola"?
  6. What is Long John Silver's original job on the ship?
  7. What is the name of the ship's captain?
  8. Who keeps repeating the phrase "pieces of eight"? (including name)
  9. Where is Jim when he overhears Silver's plans for mutiny?
  10. Who is the first to discover Flint’s treasure on the island?
  11. What is the name of the lookout point on the island?
  12. What is the name given to the black flag of piracy?
  13. How long had Ben Gunn been marooned on Treasure Island?
  14. What is the last clue which guides the pirates to the treasure site?
  15. What happens to Silver at the end of the novel?

Click here for the answers

Design a Treasure Map

The treasure map played a crucial role in the story. Perhaps it looked something like this:

Treasure map

Have a go at designing your own treasure map. Things to include are:

  • Features like mountains, forests, rivers, lakes etc. which you should name appropriately
  • That all important 'X', which marks the spot where the treasure is actually buried.

For a really authentic looking map, why not put it through the aging process:

  • Soak a piece of paper in a bowl of water with a tea bag in it so it goes brown
  • Leave it to dry, preferably in the sun so it goes a slightly crumpled
  • Just before it is dry, scrunch it up a bit
  • Rub the edges to make it look worn and aged
  • Draw your map and features using dull colours like black, grey and shades of brown.

What's in a Name?

If you were to invent a pirate character, what would you call him/her?
Write down all the "piratey" names you can think of. Then choose a first name and second name for your pirate character.
Think of the names Stevenson gave to the characters in "Treasure Island" – they are unusual, funny and say something about them. (e.g. Long John Silver, Blind Pew).
To help you, here are a few of mine:
Swashbuckler -- Bones -- Stinkalot -- Buccaneer – Peg leg -- Seadog -- Salty -- Barnacle

A New Pirate to Join the Crew of the 'Hispanola'

Then use the name you have chosen to create a new pirate to join the crew. Think about:

  • What he looks like (they were a funny looking bunch!)
  • What special skills and talents he has that make him a good pirate.

Now on a separate piece of paper, draw and label a picture of your pirate creation.

Write your own Pirate Adventure

Create your own pirate story based on what you have learnt from "Treasure Island".
Your new pirate creation should, of course, have a starring role in your story and you could include the places and features you have labelled on your map.
Think very carefully about the title you give to your story. A great title should be:

  • Easy to remember – short and snappy is often best
  • Intriguing – wets the reader's appetite so that they want to know more
  • Giving the reader a clue about the subject of the story

"Treasure Island" is all of those. Good luck – happy writing!

Pirate Crossword Puzzle

Pirate crossword puzzle

Quiz Answers

  1. Who is the main narrator of the book? Jim Hawkins
  2. Where does the story begin? The Admiral Benbow Inn
  3. What is Pew's most noticeable feature? He is blind
  4. What was the death note placed in the Captain's hand called? The Black Spot
  5. What is the "Hispaniola"? The ship (a Schooner)
  6. What is Long John Silver's original job on the ship? Cook
  7. What is the name of the ship's captain? Captain Smollett
  8. Who keeps repeating the phrase "pieces of eight"? (including name) Long John Silver's parrot, Cap'n Flint
  9. Where is Jim when he overhears Silver's plans for mutiny? In an apple barrel
  10. Who is the first to discover Flint’s treasure on the island? Ben Gunn
  11. What is the name of the lookout point on the island? Spy glass
  12. What is the name given to the black flag of piracy? Jolly Roger
  13. How long had Ben Gunn been marooned on Treasure Island? 3 years
  14. What is the last clue which guides the pirates to the treasure site? A skeleton
  15. What happens to Silver at the end of the novel? He steals "three or four hundred guineas" of the treasure and slips away


Page last updated: 17th August 2020