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Amelia Fang and the Barbaric Ball by Laura Ellen AndersonI hope you enjoyed reading about Amelia Fang and her adventures. But just how much do you know about the young vampire?
Not read it yet? Read the Amelia Fang series now.
Then see if you can answer these questions:

  1. How old is Amelia Fang?
  2. Who are her two best friends?
  3. Where do they live? Is it a nice place?
  4. Who is Squashy?
  5. Name Amelia's parents (and her little brother if you can).
  6. What are Amelia's favourite foods?
  7. What are her favourite games?
  8. What is the name of Amelia's school?
  9. What is her teacher's name?
  10. What is Amelia's dad's favourite hobby?
  11. Name Amelia's favourite book?
  12. What must you NEVER call Florence?

Click here for the answers

A New Friend for Amelia

Friendship is very important to Amelia. She has some good friends, but could you create a new friend for her?
Try sketching the new friend in the style of Laura Ellen Anderson, who illustrated as well as wrote the "Amelia Fang" books, and describe what makes him/ her such a great new pal. Remember, he/she must be very brave and ready for any adventure.

Vampire Jokes

Hopefully you found the Amelia Fang books funny. So, while you are in a laughing mood, here are some vampire jokes! See if you can pair up the jokes with their punchlines, at the bottom.

  1. What is a vampire's favourite fruit?
  2. Why does a vampire have no friends?
  3. How does a vampire like to have his food served?
  4. Why did the vampire go to the orthodontist?
  5. What is a vampire's favourite soup?
  6. On what day of the week do vampires bite you?
  7. Why does a vampire consider himself to be a good artist?
  8. What did the polite vampire say?
  9. What’s a vampire's favourite cartoon character?


  • In bite sized pieces
  • on Wincedays
  • He likes to draw blood
  • Scream of tomato
  • Nectarines
  • Because he is a pain in the neck
  • Fang you very much
  • Batman
  • He wanted to improve his bite

Join the Dots and Create a Vampire

After you have joined the dots perhaps you could colour in your vampire and give him/her a name and a spooktastic new outfit!

Vampire Join the Dots

My vampire is called:

Quiz Answers

  1. How old is Amelia Fang? She is 10
  2. Who are her two best friends? Grimaldi, the little grim reaper and Florence Spudwick, a large and very rare breed of Yeti
  3. Where do they live? Is it a nice place? Nocturnia, which is dark and gloomy and full of terrifying glitter and evil unicorns
  4. Who is Squashy? Amelia's pet pumpkin
  5. Name Amelia's parents (and her little brother if you can). Count Drake and Countess Frivoleeta (baby brother is Vincent)
  6. What are Amelia's favourite foods? Unlucky arms cereal and toe jam on toast
  7. What are her favourite games? Zombie Tag and Goblin Tag
  8. What is the name of Amelia's school? Catacomb Academy
  9. What is her teacher's name? Miss InSpine
  10. What is Amelia's dad's favourite hobby? Crosswords
  11. Name Amelia's favourite book? "The Pumpkin Whisperer"
  12. What must you NEVER call Florence? BEAST!


Page last updated: 10th August 2020