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Help with ReviewsThe reviews in our database have been entered by readers just like you. You can search all the reviews, using any, or a combination of, the search options that are listed. Why not add your own review of any book in the catalogue!
When you have selected your search options and entered your search terms click on the Search button. Reader Reviews (Results)This page confirms which search options you selected, then displays the results in a table. You will see a short record for the review which has the Title, Author, Rating and Reviewer listed. To see more click on the blue title link. If the results are not what you were looking for select the Search Again option to return to the search page. Full ResultsHere you will see all the details of the book and the review. At the bottom of the page are five options:
Click here to search for reviews Add Your Own ReviewFeel strongly about something you've read? Want to share it with other people? You can do this by adding your own review to any book - fiction or non-fiction - in our catalogue. We don't ask for any information about you except for your first name. If you are a member of a reading group, then tell us the name of the group so that people can search for reviews by that group. Tell us the Author and Title of the book and whether it is fiction or non-fiction. Select a "Genre/Subject" category for the book from the drop-down list. If it doesn't fit something in the list, choose "don't know". Please make sure you say whether the book is fiction or non-fiction as it changes the list of selections for Genre/Subject. If the book is about, or set in, a particular country then select the country from the drop-down list. Say whether you recommend the book by selecting 'Yes' or 'No' from the drop-down list. Type in your review - no more than 900 characters please! Finally, select a star rating for the book where 1 is poor and 5 is excellent, then click on the Send Review button. Your review will be read by a member of staff and a link added to it so that people can go straight to the catalogue entry for the book. It will be published on the catalogue within the next 5 working days. |
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Page last updated: 25th November 2008 |