Where can I search the International Genealogical Index (IGI)?
Local and family history A-Z > International Genealogical Index
The whole IGI, including the section that covers the British Isles, can be searched online at the Familysearch web site
- At the FamilySearch web site, click the 'Search' tab, choose 'records' then type 'International Genealogical Index' into the 'find a collection title' box. If you want to limit your search to the British Isles, use the 'research by location' map to hightlight the area. You can then refine your search with the country drop-down menu
- If you want to use batch numbers to limit IGI searches to smaller areas, there is guidance about this on the Genuki web site. Follow the links in the LDS paragraph on Genuki's England: Church Records page
- The 'IGI for the British Isles' is also available on microfiche (1992 and 1988 editions) at several Bedfordshire libraries
- Dunstable Library also has the IGI for the British Isles and for other countries on CD-ROM
- Return to International Genealogical Index for more information
Page last updated: 3rd July 2020