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The home of ARCHI the archaeology sites index. A searchable database of thousands of UK sites. Most of the sites in the database are linked to an aerial photograph of the site plus a local road map and many are also linked to Victorian Ordnance Survey maps.

Council for British Archaeology
The Council for British Archaeology is an educational charity working throughout the UK to involve people in archaeology and to promote the appreciation and care of the historic environment for the benefit of present and future generations.

Current Archaeology
Current Archaeology (CA) is the UK’s leading (and best-selling) archaeology magazine.

Prehistoric Society
The Prehistoric Society's interests are world-wide and extend from the earliest human origins to the emergence of written records. Founded in 1935, they currently have around 1500 members in over 40 countries.

Society for Medieval Archaeology
The Society for Medieval Archaeology was established to study evidence of the past, whether standing buildings, landscapes, buried remains or artefacts in museums. Membership of the Society is open to all those interested in medieval archaeology.

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