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 Leighton Buzzard and Linslade
Leighton Bosard Tablet in Lincoln Cathedral

Places > Leighton Buzzard and Linslade > Churches

Following the Norman Conquest and the Normans' reforms of church dioceses, the diocese in which Leighton's church stood became the Lincoln diocese. It remained part of the Lincoln diocese until 1837 (1)

On the backs of several stalls in Lincoln Cathedral hang wooden tablets. The tablets give in Latin the initial verses of certain psalms. The occupant of a stall was responsible for the recitation daily of the psalms indicated on the stall's tablet (2)

One of the stalls was occupied by the Leighton 'prebendary'. The tablet above his stall gives the opening lines of the four psalms for whose daily recitation he was responsible

The opening lines on the Leighton Bosard tablet are from psalms 23, 24, 25 and 26 respectively. You can see translations in the King James Version Bible in the source below (3)

The inscribed lines use the common contracted forms of the Latin word 'Dominus'. The full forms would be, respectively, Dominus, Domini, Domine and Domine

The tablet is headed 'Leighton Bosard'. For background on the name, see Leighton Buzzard in Norman Times


1 Dioceses and Episcopal Sees in England: a background report for the Dioceses Commission, by Colin Podmore, July 2008. Online at the Church of England site

2 The cathedral church of Lincoln; a history and description of its fabric and a list of the bishops, by A.F. Kendrick, G. Bell, 1898, page 107. Online at the Internet Archive

3 King James Version Bible. Online at the Sacred Texts Archive

Leighton Bosard tablet in Lincoln Cathedral, by Bedfordshire Libraries, 2010

Page last updated: 3rd February 2014