High Street History
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Where to go for more information about Bedford High Street
Home | Bedford Library | BARS| The Higgins| HER
If you want to delve into the history of Bedford High Street and
its shops and businesses there are several places in Bedford to begin
your research. For lists of the specific books, newspapers, collections
etc. available have a look at
Where to start.
Bedford Central Library: Local Studies and Heritage Library
Harpur Street
Bedford MK40 1PG
Tel. 01234 718178
Visit the 'Local Places', 'Local People' or 'Local Subjects' sections.
To search the online library catalogue
(BARS) Bedfordshire and Luton Archives and Records Service
BARS hold the archives for the county dating from 1166 to the present day
Riverside Building
Borough Hall
Cauldwell Street
Bedford MK42 9AP
Tel. 01234 228833
Bedfordshire Archives and Records Service
The Higgins
The Higgins Art Gallery and Museum
Castle Lane
Bedford MK40 3XD
Tel. 01234 718168
Fax 01234 7181619
Information about their collections at:
And have a look at the Museum's High Street blog for more information on some of the Bedford High Street shops
The Cecil Higgins Art Gallery and Museum was re-named The Higgins in 2012. All references to the Cecil Higgins Art Gallery and Museum should now be understood as referring to The Higgins.
(HER) Historic Environment Record
The HER 'is the most comprehensive source of information on and system for recording archaeological sites and finds, designated sites, historic landscapes, historic buildings and other features in the landscape within the borough.'
If you want to visit the HER, you will need to make an appointment.
Town Hall
St Pauls Square
Bedford MK40 1SJ
Tel. 01234 227194 or 01234 221817
e-mail: select Bedford Borough HER
Bedford Borough Historic Environment Record
Page last updated: 28th May 2020