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Yesterdays News - 1901

Places > Dunstable

All the articles referred to in this news summary have been taken from The Dunstable Gazette, which can be consulted in the Local Studies Library at Dunstable Library and Bedford Central Library.


  • Home hints: children's health - The most important requirements to ensure health to our children are 1) an abundant supply of digestible and nutritious food  2) a sufficient amount of woollen clothing  3) free exercise of every part of the body and sufficient rest 4) absolute cleanliness of body, clothing and surroundings 5) abundance of light and air (9th January)
  • Old false teeth bought - many ladies and gentlemen have by them old or disused false teeth which might as well be turned into money. Send your teeth to us by and we will remit you by return post the utmost value.  Apply to Messrs Bacon & Co, Bankers, Ipswich (advert - 9th January)
  • Dr William's Pink Pills for Pale People - good for women of all ages. If your daughter is not going on just as you would like, if there is anything wrong with her or with you or your husband, write to Dr Williams, Medicine Company, 46 Holborn Viaduct, London and tell us plainly what is the matter. We will answer you quite privately. (advert - 16th January)
  • Face Humours - pimples, blackheads, simple rashes, red, rough hands, falling hair and baby blemishes prevented by Cuticura Soap, a sure preventative of inflammation and clogging pores. (advert - 6th February)
  • Health of Dunstable - At the meeting of the Dunstable Town Council, the annual report of the Medical Officer reported that 117 births and 73 deaths had been registered. Of the 73 deaths, 15 were over 70 and 9 over 80 years of age. (20th March)


  • 10 freehold plots, payable 1 down and 2 shillings per month. No tithe, no land tax, no building restrictions, no law costs. Situated on main road midway between Luton and Dunstable, easy distance of five railway stations J Allan, 34, New Bridge St, London (advert 6th March)


  • Horses, traps and waggonette for hire - Trips for picnic and pleasure - Parties carefully arranged. G.E. Costin, Butcher, High Street, Dunstable (advert - 2nd January)
  • Taylor's Circulating Library - single book 2d or 3d per week, books in 2 or 3 volumes 3d per set per week (advert - 2nd January)
  • Alexandra Palace There was a large assemblage at the Alexandra Palace on Saturday when the buildings and grounds were with some ceremony, declared open to the public. The Duke of Bedford declared it open, remarking that it was to provide rational amusement for the toiling masses that the palace had been acquired to become their pleasure ground for all time. (22nd May)
  • The latest new craze Gambling has not only increased, but is ever increasing, and what is more, has spread chiefly among women. Time was when at race meetings and sports, the girl of the period had a box of gloves and so on and was satisfied. Now she openly makes her 'book' and deals in hard cash. (12th June)
  • Cheap Holiday Excursions Great Northern Railway
    Each Wednesday and Saturday, for day and half-day, to London from Dunstable
    Fridays, Sept 13th & 27th for 4,10 or 16 days, to Edinburgh, Glasgow, Perth & Dundee
    Saturday 14th Sept, for one day, to Wood Green (Alexandra Park races), also for one day to Skegness (advert - 11th September)
  • Daily Sea Trips New Palace Steamers from Old Swan Pier, London Bridge
    Husbands' boat 'La Marguerite' to Margate, Saturdays
    Boulogne, Margate and back Mondays & Wednesdays
    Ostend, Margate and back Tuesdays
    Calais, Margate and back Thursdays
    Margate and back Saturdays and Sundays (advert 11th September)
  • Dunstable Carnival All Dunstable was certainly out and from the surrounding villages came a steady stream of people, while special trains from Luton and Leighton Buzzard brought additional visitors into the town... The pageant was led by two Chief Marshalls, in uniform and mounted. Next came a pretty set piece in Chinese lanterns and then the Dunstable Excelsior Prize Band. The first decorated car 'Sons of the Empire' was a fine work of art arranged by Mr C D Lockhart. Following this came a number of mounted men in costumes, then the Houghton Regis Fire Brigade, followed by cyclists with decorated and illuminated machines and dressed in fine fancy costumes.The car 'England and her Colonies' a splendid arrangement was from Messrs Munt and Brown, the various characters being taken by the girls at their manufactory. Decorated cars called 'Happy Japan' arranged by Mr J W Vernon and the employees of Messrs Waterlow and Sons, looked particularly nice and deserved a special mention... After the procession a fireworks display was given in the Park, kindly lent for the occasion by Mr H Brown. (excerpt 6th November)
  • The streets of Dunstable on Sundays Our Sundays now are among the noisiest days of the week. Peaceable and rate paying residents are disturbed and annoyed by shouting and horse-play, the kicking to-and-fro of empty tins, and stones, used in imitation of football, are kicked about the roads and paths to the danger of passers-by and to the damage of the lower windows of houses. On Sunday last the roads, which were slippery by reason of the frost, were made more so by a number of boys sliding upon them. A party of 20 or more turned one of the main roads into a skating rink, with incessant shouting and noise they were for two hours rushing up and down long slides heedless of the dangers which they might cause to horses and men. (letter 27th November)


  • New Lighting Bye-Law The Town Clerk produced the new bye-law requiring lights to be attached to vehicles (drawn by animal or mechanical power) at night in the borough of Dunstable. (20th March)


  • Promotion for Luton Police Officers - At the fortnightly meeting of the Luton Town Council it was unanimously agreed that instead of a constable starting at 23shillings 4d per week they should commence at a higher rate by 1 shilling 2d per week which was practically 2d a day more for the constables and 3d for the sergeants. (6th February)

Poor relief

  • During the first of the fortnight, 833 outdoor poor were relieved at a cost of 82 12s 11d. There were 284 inmates in the house and 46 vagrants.(13th February)
  • The census returns of London and the County Borough having already been given, the data for a statement as to the gross total population for England and Wales is 32,525,716. The population of Bedfordshire is 171,699. (15th May)


  • Death of Queen Victoria - Memorial services were held on Sunday in most churches and other places of worship throughout the country. At the old Priory Church the altar was chastely draped in black. The church was crowded both morning and night and muffled peals were rung from the belfry at intervals throughout the day. (30th January)
  • Proclamation of the new King - The accession of King Edward VII was officially proclaimed in the provinces and in various parts of the British Empire on Saturday. There was a record crowd outside the Town Hall, Dunstable yesterday mid-day to hear the proclamation. After a fanfare from the trumpeter, the Mayor made his announcement. He then called for the assemblage to join in three ringing shouts of 'God save the King'. (30th January)
  • New stamps - One obvious and necessary change is, of course, that the head of King Edward VII will replace that of Queen Victoria on all stamps but the question that is agitating the minds of the officials is the position of the King's head. It will, as in the present issue, be placed within a circle, but a suggestion has been made from an influential quarter that the head should be reversed. (13th February)
  • New coinage - The King has given a sitting to Mr G de Sauiles, engraver to the Royal Mint, who is to design the die for the new coinage. (27th February


  • School attendance cases - The following were summoned for neglecting to send their children to school regularly: William Aylott, labourer, New Mill End Road, John Marks, labourer, Leagrave, George Dimmock, Labourer, Leagrave and George Summerlin, labourer, Leagrave. Order for regular attendance were made or provisional fines inflicted. (12th June)


  • Messrs Bower Bros started work on the Dunstable sewerage scheme on Monday. From manhole to manhole each section will be thoroughly tested to ensure that the deep sewer is water-tight. In the town there will be side sewers into which the connections from the houses will be made so that the deep sewer, once laid, will not be again interfered with. (13th February)

South African War (Boer War)

  • Home from the War Pte. F W Smith, son of Mr William Smith, the Green, Houghton Regis, was the first of the Dunstable volunteers to return from the war in South Africa...The record of his South African experiences were modestly and rather unwillingly told. (excerpt 1st May)
  • Further captures from the Enemy The following telegram from Lord Kitchener has been received from the War Office: Pretoria, May 3, 6pm. Since last report, columns report 10 Boers killed, 3 wounded, 93 prisoners, 13 surrenders, 286,000 rounds of small-arm ammunitions, 100 waggons with 2070 horses. (8th May)
  • Home from the War News was officially received in the town on Friday morning that the returning men of the Dunstable 'D' company would arrive at Dunstable Church Street station at 7.14 that evening. Immediately preparations were eagerly commenced for their reception. During the afternoon the Town Crier announced the homecoming. Long before their arrival the town had assumed a gay appearance from end to end, flags and streamers making a profusion of bright colours. Just before 7 the 'D' company marched to Church Street station where they were drawn up in double line to receive their sun-burned comrades Rapidly a vast crowd collected in Church Street and thronged the station yard. When at length the train was seen coming round the bend at the base of the Downs, the Volunteers were brought to attention, and, as the train steamed in, the order was given to salute and a mighty cheer, given first by the Volunteers, and joined in by the crowd on the platform, then taken up and repeated time after time by the great concourse gathered below, announced that the home-coming Volunteers had arrived. There was allowed them just a brief space while they were received and embraced by their relatives, the crowd maintaining a respectful silence, then the khaki-clan lads were claimed by the officers of the 'D' Company and conducted up and down the double line of their comrades, the spectators cheering again while they were being greeted with many hearty handshakes and salutations of welcome. The procession from the station to the Old Priory Church, was a veritable triumphal march, in which the men were vociferously cheered by the thousands of spectators. And from the old belfry close by merry peals of welcome had been ringing form the moment it was known that the Volunteers had actually arrived. (excerpt 22nd May)
  • I am glad to know that the appeal which in their thoughtful kindness the Countess Cowper and Lady Isabella Whitbread recently issued for funds to send Christmas comforts to the Bedfordshire men still engaged in the South African War, has met with success. 215 was received from various parts of the county and the whole of that sum has been spent in socks, tobacco and plum puddings. (27th November)

Exploration South Pole searches

  • The officers of the 'Discovery' which is to start in a few months for the Antarctic regions have now been finally elected and number 11. Captain Scott, R.N. is the commander and Mr A B Armitage will be second in command. Other officers include Mr E H Shackelton and Dr. R. Koettlitz. (24th April)


  • Electric trams for Luton, Dunstable & Houghton Regis - This is a scheme to lay down a system of electric trams for Luton and also to connect Dunstable and Houghton Regis and other adjoining places with that enterprising town. Such a scheme would benefit the regular ordinary passenger traffic but also the large number of day trippers who during the summer months would use the electric trams as a means of getting quickly and easily to the Dunstable Downs and Totternhoe Knolls. To Houghton Regis, from which village it was recently stated that 70 regular passengers to Luton have to walk daily to and from the nearest Dunstable railway station, this electric tramway scheme would be of the greatest advantage. (13th February)
  • High-Grade Bicycles at 5 15s (advert - 27th March)
  • The speed of motor-cars Certain County Councils are recommending to the Local Government Board that the limit of speed of motor vehicles should be reduced to 10 miles an hour. (17th April)

Page last updated: 24th January 2014