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The Virtual Library

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British Royal Family
Official web site of the British Monarchy. History and role of monarchy. Gives information on where they live and Royal events.

Explore Parliament
Excellent guide to the British parliament - its history, how laws are passed and latest news. Plus interactive puzzles.

PSHE and Citizenship
BBC Bitesize - For Keystage 3. Business and enterprise, careers, managing finances, risk, healthy lifestyles, relationships, democracy and justice, identity and diversity, rights and responsibilities and the environment.

Royal Ceremonies
Learn about the British Monarchy, their genealogy, jewels, ceremonies, and more.

Ten Downing Street
The website of the Prime Minister. Info about the PM and his cabinet, news from No. 10, Virtual Tour, broadcasts, statements, podcasts, info about government.

Unicef Voices of Youth
Children around the world have their say on current issues. Includes useful section on Children and Work

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