George - An Evacuee's Story
Letter from the Borough of Tamworth to George's parents - 24th
October 1939
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Transcript of the letter from the Borough of Tamworth
Municipal Offices, Tamworth
24th October 1939
Dear Sir or Madam,
Government Evacuation Scheme
Since the issue of our previous circular letter of September 23rd, the government have required a contribution of at least 6 shillings (today worth 13.33) per week from the parents of every billeted child. At the same time the allowance for all children over 16 has now been fixed at 10 shillings and 6 pence (today worth 23.33) per week irrespective of the number billeted in one household.
We feel in these circumstances that it is unreasonable to suggest a further payment for older children of as much as 7 shillings and 6 pence (today worth 16.66) per week, and therefore propose that a uniform sum of 5 shillings (today worth 11.11) per week should be regarded as a fair contribution by parents to householders in the case of pupils over 14.
We hope that both parents and householders will help to ensure the success of the Evacuation Scheme by accepting this arrangement, which we feel is fair to both sides.
Yours faithfully,
H. J. Wood, Mayor, H. Wood, Town Clerk and Chief Billeting
P. W. Butler, Headmaster, West Bromwich Grammar School
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