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Stig of the Dump by Clive KingI hope you enjoyed readng the book. But how well did you read it? See if you answer these questions:
Not read it yet? Read Stig of the Dump now.

  1. In what county of England is "Stig of the Dump" set?
  2. Who is Barney staying with when he first encounters Stig?
  3. What period of history does Stig come from?
  4. Where does Stig live?
  5. What did Stig and Barney use to make a window?
  6. What was the surname of the 3 boys Barney found digging in the chalk pit?
  7. What sweets united Barney, Stig and the 3 boys in friendship?
  8. What did the thieves tell Barney they had gone to grandmother’s house for?
  9. What animal escapes from the circus?
  10. What did Barney go to the fancy dress party dressed as?

Click here for the answers


  • Draw a picture of what you think Stig looks like based on the descriptions given in the book.
  • Stig likes to decorate the walls of his dump with pictures drawn with a blackened stick. Can you try and recreate the pictures he drew (Chapter 3) or design your own?


  • Stig is unable to speak English. If you were going to teach him, what words would you start with?
  • If you visited Stig and took him 5 presents which he would find useful, what would they be?


  • Stig comes from Stone Age times. Can you find out when this was and what life was like then.
  • Standing Stones feature in the book. Find out what you can about what these were. What are the most famous Standing Stones in England? How do you think Stone Age man was able to get them there? What do you think they were used for?

Quiz Answers

  1. In what county of England is "Stig of the Dump" set? Kent
  2. Who is Barney staying with when he first encounters Stig? His Grandmother
  3. What period of history does Stig come from? Stone Age - over 3 million years ago
  4. Where does Stig live? A disused chalk pit
  5. What did Stig and Barney use to make a window? Jam jars
  6. What was the surname of the 3 boys Barney found digging in the chalk pit? Snarget
  7. What sweets united Barney, Stig and the 3 boys in friendship? Jelly Babies
  8. What did the thieves tell Barney they had gone to grandmother’s house for? To mend the TV
  9. What animal escapes from the circus? Leopard
  10. What did Barney go to the fancy dress party dressed as? A caveman


Page last updated: 22nd June 2020